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秀藝 具備籌辦及策畫多元藝術項⽬的創新觸覺和豐富經驗,團隊相當重視不同年資背景協作社群與觀眾的發展,堅守秉持正念與誠信為核⼼的態度推動⽂化、藝術、教育及社福界的節⽬和活動,持續製作喜樂慈善的事業。

NSW Arts Company Limited earned credibility by generating innovative ideas for diverse art projects, and the cross-disciplinary art programmes engaged professional communities and a range of audiences with various backgrounds over the years.

The team adheres to the core attitude of mindfulness and integrity to produce impactful projects & programmes involving culture, arts, education and social well-being. NSW Arts Co. Ltd. continues to grow with stakeholders eager to co-create joyful and fulfilling experiences.

NSW Arts

colour bar showing our roles taken--urator, music performer, educator, producer, consultant and healing instructor

Roles Taken



curator-represented by orange


as Curator --- Event and programme planning, from concept to execution & operation, or we can complete the project with talents that you recruited/ recommended;


策畫/展⼈ --- 活動及節⽬策畫,由概念到實際操作⼀⼿包辦或與其他協作單位共同完成項⽬皆可;

curator-represented by orange


music performer-represented by red


as Musical performer --- singing (solo), piano playing (solo, ensembles, concert-making, collaborative improvisations, etc.), Chinese drum;


⾳樂表演者 --- 歌唱(獨)、彈奏鋼琴(演奏、伴奏、合作即興創作表演等)、中國⿎;

music performer-represented by red


educator-represented by blue


as Educator --- we have been guiding commercial entities, corporates, educational institutions and non-government organisations to tailor make courses and art learning activities of different scales and needs. Our team leader is an established choir music teacher and vocal instructor;


教育家 --- 多年指導⼤中⼩型商業機構及社福團體完成不同時數需求的教育課程及相關活動,同時亦是合唱團⾳樂⽼師/拍揮 及 聲樂指導⽼師;

educator-represented by blue


producer-represented by violet colour


as Producer --- happenings in front, on, and behind the stages are to be skillfully handled, productions with NSW Arts Co. involvement are achieved professionally, we make top-notch and well-rounded commissioned works;


製作⼈ --- 與“演⽽優則導”⼀樣,對臺前、中、後的⻆⾊瞭如指掌,成就到的,當然是確保製作⼤⼤⼩⼩⽅⾯都做到專業、⾄優、最好;

producer-represented by violet colour


consulant-represented by turquoise


as Consultant/ Advisor --- to provide practical strategies and proposals such as project fundraising preparation, team member training, publicity, division of labour and allocation of resources aligning with sustainability;


顧問 --- 按需要給予項⽬籌募準備、團員訓練、宣傳、製作單位的分⼯配置等多⽅⾯的實際策略、⽅案和建議;

consulant-represented by turquoise


healing instructor-represented by lime green


Healing instructor --- our team lead has been practising music therapy for a decade, providing one-on-one experience or guiding art practitioners to do relevant public & community projects.


療癒導師 --- 多年實踐⾳樂治療,提供⼀對⼀體驗、或專業製作藝術療癒相關的公眾項⽬。

healing instructor-represented by lime green

Selected Projects


12.2023 ~ 05.2024

role: 50% curator, 30% producer, 20% educator

Co-curated and produced the 1.5-year long programme entitled "Ensemble Transience: Jazz Across Boundaries — Outreach & Incubation"


photo of "Event Jazz Across Boundaries"
role: 50% curator, 30% producer, 20% educator


role: 50% curator, 50% educator

Invited by The International Teaching Artist Collaborative (ITAC) to lead a half-day Music & Sustainability lecture with Earth Production (HK) at Good Hope School in Hong Kong.

應 The International Teaching Artist Collaborative (ITAC) [ 直譯 -國際教學藝術家聯盟 ] 之邀,與地球製作到香港德望學校指導學生製作合可持續發展標準的音樂活動,激發學生對社會文化責任的思考。

photo of "2024.5 Good Hope School Event"
role: 50% curator, 50% educator


role: 50% curator, 50% educator

Curated and facilitated the afternoon post screening music demonstration of “Fall in love with Masterpieces—Tintoretto: A Rebel in Venice” to engage the public at the Hong Kong Palace Museum

配合「從波提切利到梵高:英國國家美術館珍藏展」展覽,於香港故宮文化博物館 香港賽馬會演講廳引領一個映後音樂分享。

photo of "Palace Museum Event"
role: 50% curator, 50% educator


role: 40% curator, 30% producer, 20% educator, 10% consultant

Co-curated, advised and realised the programme entitled "Sunrise for All" --- an immersive music experience for people with specific needs at East Kowloon Cultural Centre for the organisations' Research & Development team.


photo of "東九文化中心 Sunrise for All Event"
role: 40% curator, 30% producer, 20% educator, 10% consultant

1 ~ 4.10.2022

role: 40% curator, 40% producer, 20% educator

Co-curated and coordinated talents to realise the programme entitled "The Hearth: Into the Blue" at Tai Kwun

於大館落實名為《品嚐藝術:Into the Blue》的節目,協力策畫及協調藝術家。

photo of "Hearth Into the Blue"
role: 40% curator, 40% producer, 20% educator

5.2020 ~ 10.2021

role: 60% curator, 30% producer, 10% consultant

Curated and produced the programme entitled The DEW at HART Hong Kong

於 HART Hong Kong 策劃一個名為《湛》—— 正念練習 的年度節目,引領藝術家、社區組織等投入正念活動。

photo of "Event at HART"
role: 60% curator, 30% producer, 10% consultant

Detail Portfolio


One of our art project curated, music performing and instructing

Complete Portfolio upon Request via email


NSW Arts



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